Danger Signs of Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring and light fixtures cause fires in 32,000 homes nationwide each year. Make sure you aren’t harbouring a potential killer in your walls. The following signs warn you of the possibility:

  • Getting SHOCKED from touching appliances, outlets or wall switches>
  • The cords, plugs, outlets or switches are HOT; if you can’t keep your hand on it for more than five seconds there is a good possibility that something is wrong.
  • FLICKERING or DIMMING lights, or the smell of burning metal or plastic means faulty or loose wires, an overloaded circuit, or even arcing and sparking in the wall.
  • If you FUSES BLOW constantly, or circuit breakers keep TRIPPING.
  • Non-Ground Fault Circuit Interrupted outlets in your bathroom and/or kitchen could cause electrocution.